This Iowa Flood Risk Data inventory compiles Federal and state agency flood risk models and metadata into a single easily accessible source.For each model, the posted information includes: 1) Project name and site description; 2)Type of Model [hydrologic, hydraulic 1D, 2D]; 3) Model level of detail [model/mapping]; and 4) Agency name, point‐of‐contact, date of model data and model properties (datum, etc).
What is Available
This inventory of Hydraulic models can be used for Floodplain Management. Experience in computational hydraulics is necessary for the use of these models. Maintaining an up‐to‐date Iowa Flood Risk Data Inventory, all governmental participating partners benefit from sharing the responsibility of posting recently completed model metadata to the platform.This site Identifies models that can be leveraged in a timely manner for additional applications, analysis, and expedited flood risk response. River flooding has been identified as #1 of the prioritized hazards in the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA) for 2013. Intergovernmental capability to query a flood source inventory of documented hydraulic model availability quickly during times of impending flood threat will reduce and prevent increases in flood risk and increase resiliency.
What is NOT Available
The inventory includes only detailed hydraulic models and does not replicate the FEMA map service center or the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Iowa Flood Maps websites. While some of the products created may be adopted by FEMA and become regulatory, maps provided at this link are not regulatory maps. The products are being provided on this site for informational purposes. Iowans interested in map information for flood insurance purposes should visit the FEMA Map Service Center or contact local officials to view the current regulatory map for their jurisdiction.
How to have a hydraulic model added to the inventory website?
If you have a hydraulic model you would like to make available to other agencies, please contact Anton Stork at .
This Iowa Flood Risk Data inventory compiles Federal and state agency flood risk models and metadata into a single easily accessible source.For each model, the posted information includes: 1) Project name and site description; 2)Type of Model [hydrologic, hydraulic 1D, 2D]; 3) Model level of detail [model/mapping]; and 4) Agency name, point‐of‐contact, date of model data and model properties (datum, etc).
What is Available
This inventory of Hydraulic models can be used for Floodplain Management. Experience in computational hydraulics is necessary for the use of these models. Maintaining an up‐to‐date Iowa Flood Risk Data Inventory, all governmental participating partners benefit from sharing the responsibility of posting recently completed model metadata to the platform.This site Identifies models that can be leveraged in a timely manner for additional applications, analysis, and expedited flood risk response. River flooding has been identified as #1 of the prioritized hazards in the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA) for 2013. Intergovernmental capability to query a flood source inventory of documented hydraulic model availability quickly during times of impending flood threat will reduce and prevent increases in flood risk and increase resiliency.
What is NOT Available
The inventory includes only detailed hydraulic models and does not replicate the FEMA map service center or the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Iowa Flood Maps websites. While some of the products created may be adopted by FEMA and become regulatory, maps provided at this link are not regulatory maps. The products are being provided on this site for informational purposes. Iowans interested in map information for flood insurance purposes should visit the FEMA Map Service Center or contact local officials to view the current regulatory map for their jurisdiction.
How to have a hydraulic model added to the inventory website?
If you have a hydraulic model you would like to make available to other agencies, please contact Anton Stork at .